virtual farm tours

Virtual Farm Tours

Virtual Farm Tours in VR or on your computer

Connect your audience with your property or production facility with a virtual farm tour. Our virtual tours are a perfect blend of 360° imagery and video, as well as interactive elements that allow your viewers to learn more through PDFs, videos, photos and more.

We travel nation wide to capture that perfect shot for our clients, or provide hands-on training to give you the skills and confidence to capture your own content and send it back to us for post production.

A virtual farm tour allows your audience to explore at their own pace, interact with the environment, and see sides of your facility that they wouldn’t normally be able to see due to biosecurity or safety risks.

virtual farm tours

Using Virtual Farm Tours to increase knowledge sharing, peer-to-peer training and communication with remote communities

A collaboration between Animal Health Australia, Meat & Livestock Australia, Indigenous Land Corporation and Think Digital is currently seeing the development of a virtual tour to improve biosecurity training on remote Australian cattle stations.

The team visited Bulimba Station in Queensland to create an innovative way to train Indigenous cattle station staff on country.

The virtual tour that is currently in production combines 360 degree panoramas, pop up fact sheets and 2D videos of current station hand staff, Jonathon and Kawane Mottlop, who take the user through each of the six key pillars of biosecurity .

This virtual biosecurity training experience is a fantastic example of how immersive technology can improve training and communication in agriculture.

Learn more by reading our blog article ‘A Star Is Born… Or In This Case Two’.

Virtual Farm Tours

Our virtual tours combine 360 and 2D media in an end-to-end solution that will engage and excite your audience.

Creative & Design
  • Strategy
  • Objectives
  • Storyboarding
Production Media
  • 360° photo
  • 360° video
  • Computer generated virtual environments
  • 2D photo and video
  • PDFs
  • Websites
  • Web or standalone desktop delivery
  • Visitor count and analytics
  • Hosting on our site
  • Host on your site
  • Future updates to your virtual tour
  • Training
  • Ongoing support

Examples of our Work

Click on each of the logos to view some examples of our virtual tours.

Fresh Food Kids Discovery Tour Reimaged Virtual Tours
Struan & Kybybolite AgTech Demonstration Farms Virtual Tour
Wilandra Farm Virtual Tour
Agriculture Victoria
STEMConnect 2020 Virtual Event
Virtual Tour
Australian Agriculture Centre
Hagley Farm School & Visitor Centre Virtual Tour
Farms of the Future Virtual Tour
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Greater Whitsunday Region
Virtual Tour
LT’s Egg Farm Wyndham Cache Virtual Tour

Behind the Scenes

Have a look behind the scenes of our virtual tour creation, including workshops we have hosted to up skill our clients.