#: locale=en ## Action ### URL PopupWebFrameBehaviour_92F45E5F_8D8A_A89C_41C5_9592F3257A75.url = https://forestlearning.edu.au/contact-us.html PopupWebFrameBehaviour_E2392B60_F9FF_F317_41D2_52DCC3A3F98D.url = https://forestlearning.edu.au/forestvr.html ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_37CE5AF9_1212_D421_4112_108BD9C8A9C0.toolTip = A pile of timber sorted and graded into their uniform size HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_389DB303_12EE_75E1_419A_AD0AC8EF4A13.toolTip = Air Dry Yard HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3A3F8FCE_122E_AC63_41A5_6BF351E81F66.toolTip = Band Saw Leveller and Tensioner HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3AC15588_1216_5CEF_4155_D7B25798BE3C.toolTip = Band Saw sharpening machines HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3859C4E3_1216_BC21_4191_146BEAC06FE5.toolTip = Bandsaw being sharpened HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_39E81687_1212_FCE1_41A6_D3C8E8D9D330.toolTip = Bandsaws waiitng to be straightened, sharpened and tensioned HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3A5CF261_1212_B421_41AF_87A20D9D9A91.toolTip = Bandsaws waiting to be plasma tipped HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30392AF5_1231_B421_41B2_B7B28D4F6836.toolTip = Blue conveyor belt - sawdust conveyor travels outside HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32C6F986_1211_D4E3_418C_5ABD80BD53D7.toolTip = Board size control panel HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33FE3C2B_1212_AC21_4155_FDCEA891EECB.toolTip = Boards are laser scanned for cutting optimisation HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32CC62E0_1231_D45F_41AB_16BA0714C921.toolTip = Boards requiring docking travel to the docking station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36A912AE_1272_D423_41B1_434BCFD7E3DF.toolTip = Boron Treatment Plant - timber is treated for 1 hour inside HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32E2209B_13FF_F4E1_41B2_D28FA8E9EA09.toolTip = Control panel used to input log cut size HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3236CA8C_122E_74E7_41AB_8D5DF700737E.toolTip = Deck vision - to help guide boards to the multisaw HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_303DC926_1232_5423_41A4_CE42D73020DF.toolTip = Docker waste timber --> Yellow conveyor belt --> Wood chipper HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31ABD281_1236_54E1_41B1_C456A24248DB.toolTip = Docker/saw machine (in the box) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_327052F4_1212_5427_418D_71AA78752403.toolTip = Each pile is a different species of timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_30631020_13F1_D3DF_41A3_7F16CD7F824C.toolTip = First outfeed deck - moves away from edger HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_34C5F0CD_1272_7461_4131_72C0758E9AFE.toolTip = Forklift Operator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_396B51C9_1212_5461_41B0_A9DD789FBA63.toolTip = Forklift operators collect air dried stacks of timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_320DA207_123F_B7E1_41A6_2DDEF134D80F.toolTip = Good boards travel along this conveyor belt to be graded HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3190FE28_1211_EC2F_419D_E070C60C939F.toolTip = Grader HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_351C3D1B_121E_6DE1_41A2_44416CD906E8.toolTip = Grader HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31F91F76_1233_AC23_41A6_1B41AA49E079.toolTip = Grading stations (two) - grader/dockerperson HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3556D733_121E_BC21_41A8_F897115FB5F5.toolTip = Green Chain - final sorting process HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3559DEF7_1232_6C21_41A5_0218A5DB4C28.toolTip = Hand Side Grinder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0D25BBCF_1213_B461_4193_F62BC4B725DF.toolTip = Hand controls move the loaders arm HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33F7AD3E_13F2_EC23_41B1_DDFC4A9F5398.toolTip = Laser display showing how the log will be cut HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0D162804_1211_B3E7_419D_FD65FFAF1332.toolTip = Log Yard HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_18DCA3A4_1733_2825_41AC_04EF8B96C2FC.toolTip = Log Yard HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_316CBD8E_13F2_6CE3_41A5_4E8A4F07339C.toolTip = Log is laser scanned to determine the thickness of board to be cut HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_321B29E4_13F3_B427_41B0_B0B166B85553.toolTip = Logs are moved up to the Log Wash HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3251EC4F_1212_AC61_4199_5F5B244AE363.toolTip = Logs are scanned and cut to their required length HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0CC9EEBC_1212_AC27_41B0_DE7E5100F96F.toolTip = Logs are unloaded and sorted into species HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0D240D3D_1213_AC21_41B1_650CA44FF303.toolTip = Logs enter the mill via the Log Ladder at even intervals HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0D5EA107_1217_D5E1_41B1_79A84C4E9C96.toolTip = Maddie is a Loader Operator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36256978_1272_542F_4184_C872AA7B4D85.toolTip = MicroPro Treatment Plant HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3288ED5B_121F_AC61_41A0_57656D6CEA20.toolTip = Multi-saw operator joystick HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31C11DD7_1212_AC61_41A2_A49E246E97E7.toolTip = Multisaw HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_324D30E3_1212_D421_41B2_851B09280BDF.toolTip = Multisaw - cuts boards to width required HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31C1D87B_1213_D421_41A3_9F289458B110.toolTip = Multisaw outfeed - monitors the flow of timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3233514D_121E_5461_41B1_F93E36B53603.toolTip = Pin stops - help the operator move the boards along the deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32695147_1216_B461_41A5_68946C3603A7.toolTip = Pin stops align the board to the exact position required HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_39E2C605_1212_BFE1_4165_31EB68CBC336.toolTip = Plasma Tipper Machine HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36F25634_123E_BC27_416B_F03275D4AF7C.toolTip = Right Saw Sharpener HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36D70E59_1231_AC61_41A1_B9470D94AED1.toolTip = Saw Doctor HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3A8C26A0_1212_7CDF_41A6_50F534265A94.toolTip = Saw Doctor James is reading the machines outputs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32859CB2_121F_AC23_41AA_E3D8A1179EB5.toolTip = Sawdust residues from the milling process are onsold HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3457F477_1232_5C21_41A6_A6D43000BB4B.toolTip = Saws waiting to be hammered, tipped or sharpened HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3189FD93_1232_6CE1_4179_0C8337CCE560.toolTip = Sorting & Grading lines HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_367E100C_1216_53E7_41AB_C54902F98C2B.toolTip = Stacking pallet timber into their finished lengths HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_35EA72AF_1213_F421_4188_0F3C66CBE3DA.toolTip = Timber Stackers - stacking timber into size piles HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36F01DD9_1276_6C61_41A5_D0F63B58BD0C.toolTip = Timber from the mill is air dried 2 days before treatment HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_02E4CFDC_1731_1865_41A7_3449526E2A78.toolTip = To Aerial Shot HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_185E8AAC_173F_3825_4193_17B5934329FA.toolTip = To Air Dry Yard, and stacks loaded on to trucks to dry mill HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_02B664B9_174F_282F_41B1_D2EBC3524429.toolTip = To Bandsaw Saw Shop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03C34A43_1751_1863_41B0_D2794D512FFE.toolTip = To Final Timber Grading, Sorting and Stacking HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_039FD1DD_1757_6867_41B2_B5C0756C10F3.toolTip = To First Stage of Sorting, Docking and Grading HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1912B4C1_1733_285F_41AA_1379BAD12744.toolTip = To Grading and Docking Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1ADE86B8_1733_282D_41B6_1B8918FA0575.toolTip = To Grading and Stacking Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_025AA7E4_174F_2825_41A7_E692006316E5.toolTip = To Loading Timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_05337190_1753_E8FD_4196_4FCDCC58544F.toolTip = To Log Wash HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_19E05869_173F_182F_41B3_3F4B02BED64B.toolTip = To Log Wash HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_05E7FBC1_1751_185F_41A8_49359F582974.toolTip = To Log Wash HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0477BED5_1757_1867_41AD_F88B4CCA9FC7.toolTip = To Log Wash HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_068F418A_174F_28ED_41B6_B8D7968EFC34.toolTip = To Maddie Unloading Logs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_195453C4_1731_2865_41A0_FE1D79E3AA9E.toolTip = To Multisaw HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0493E739_1751_282F_41A1_6AC7FE89D6D0.toolTip = To Multisaw HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_049DEC2E_1753_1825_41AA_639CB0951EC4.toolTip = To Multisaw Operator Cab HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1A272BFC_1737_F825_41B2_8E20BB27BC90.toolTip = To Saw Shop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_050EA444_174F_6865_416D_5399815E12FC.toolTip = To Saw Shop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03B35632_1753_283D_41AD_682215F6C29D.toolTip = To Saw Shop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03D02245_1751_2867_41AA_E7C5589C2B8D.toolTip = To Saw Shop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0529313F_1751_6823_4185_ED3C865970BA.toolTip = To Treatment Plant HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03337CF4_1757_7825_4199_B639298BE470.toolTip = To Treatment Plant HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1ADC44C9_1731_286F_417E_E2D4FB5DD2EA.toolTip = To Treatment Plant HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_19969B3A_1731_382D_41B1_6572E74677BE.toolTip = To Twin Cut Edger HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_041721F9_1757_282F_4180_0552A0135308.toolTip = To Twin Cut Edger HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_04E4CBCD_1751_3867_418C_39D8D6E51ED7.toolTip = To Twin Cut Edger Operator Cab HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_015F4B1D_1733_19E7_4172_8ED3BB9218C3.toolTip = To Unloading Logs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_05BD719C_1751_28E5_4173_1A8E5E40E889.toolTip = To Unloading Logs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0582FA9B_1751_18E3_41B2_8ECBE5AE4AF4.toolTip = To Unloading Logs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_18C6ADE9_1731_382F_419C_F5D834FCFAB9.toolTip = To Unloading Logs from the Forest HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36F9B1CC_126E_B467_4162_FAEE1264E8E9.toolTip = Treated timber wrapped in hessian head to local dry mill HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3603F27F_126E_5421_418F_F512046D2EC5.toolTip = Treated timber wrapped in plastic head interstate HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36BA08FB_1217_D421_41A6_E4D0791CA348.toolTip = Treatment Operator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3AAA85DD_1216_DC61_41AC_149F68ECD129.toolTip = Truck driver assists the forklift operator and stands clear HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_339888FD_13F2_B421_41B2_9A61E604A486.toolTip = Twin cut edger operators use two joysticks HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_317DF967_1212_5421_419A_80473B3A8149.toolTip = Twin log edger deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31242EED_1211_EC21_41AC_628477A0A600.toolTip = Twin roll case - transfer boards from one roll case to the next HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32886829_1211_D421_41A7_3384DD420B48.toolTip = Unloading logs from log trucks HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32162033_1212_5421_41AA_21858CC6D2E4.toolTip = Vision of the centre of the board from the twin cut edger HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3171F0C8_13F2_546F_4174_392BFD19991D.toolTip = Vision of the centres when they come off the belt HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31368B07_13F7_F5E1_419A_4375ED628EDA.toolTip = Vision of the log at the other end HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_326D2ECF_13F6_AC61_41AD_68B1BBB6BCD1.toolTip = Vision of the second outfeed deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36DDBFEB_123E_6C21_417B_79536696EFC4.toolTip = Vollmer - Saw Sharpening Machine HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0663FFB0_1731_783D_41AD_4BFB9149F596.toolTip = Waste form the Mill - Sawdust and Wood Chips storage area HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31A95ECA_13F2_AC63_41B1_073975671BC8.toolTip = Water pump control panel HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_324DB91D_1236_55E1_41A9_FDCD083E15E4.toolTip = Wood chipper machine HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_309C7FA7_122F_AC21_4194_220834F3BD85.toolTip = Yellow conveyor belt - waste wood in-feed to wood chipper ## Media ### Title panorama_1B2ED747_1731_2863_41B1_1846247BE912.label = 1. Aerial panorama_F56ECCF6_F90B_15B4_41DE_955D2B0AA342.label = 10. Saw Shop panorama_F56EE183_F90B_6C4C_41C6_EBA6F1879A8B.label = 11. Saw Shop panorama_F56EC688_F90B_745C_41ED_C4B3A904E117.label = 12. Loading Timber panorama_F586A862_F90B_1CCC_41DA_E946337A3074.label = 2. Unloading Logs panorama_F56E1D32_F90B_144C_41D9_93EE37D6F5CE.label = 3. Unloading Logs panorama_F56F61D1_F90B_2FCC_41EF_00A237454A43.label = 4. Log Wash panorama_F56EF660_F90B_34CC_41E2_20E3E9F175F4.label = 5. Twin Cut Edger panorama_F56EAACD_F90B_3DD4_41D9_4FB3FA0CBCE6.label = 6. Multisaw panorama_F56EBF6C_F90B_34D4_41D9_4D96861CAC6F.label = 7. Sorting Timber & Docking Saw panorama_F56EE41B_F90B_147C_417B_17CD64E404CF.label = 8. Sorting & Grading Timber panorama_F56ED8DD_F90B_1DF4_41E5_B1059B82481F.label = 9. Treatment Plant ## Popup ### Body htmlText_3635DAFA_1212_D423_419A_7B54888AC91E.html =
A pile of timber sorted and graded into their uniform size
htmlText_36AD8E5A_1231_AC63_41B0_26FC7ABB6DC5.html =
A saw doctor has completed a 4 year apprenticeship with typically a TAFE. They can be employed anywhere in the world within a mill.
This saw doctor, James, is hammering a edger saw to take out any lumps created during the cutting process.
htmlText_363BE979_1272_5421_41A7_F710D5620257.html =
All external timbers are treated through this plant (e.g. decking wood) .
MicroPro® technology is a revolutionary way to pressure treat wood for decks, fences, landscaping and general construction uses. MicroPro pressure treated wood is treated with micronized copper preservatives, which help protect against termite damage and fungal decay. MicroPro offers many benefits including significantly improved corrosion performance. MicroPro treated wood products are US building code compliant.
The Koppers MicroPro technology is the first treated wood process to be certified under Scientific Certification Systems Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) program based on Life-Cycle Assessment.
For more information go to: https://www.koppersperformancechemicals.com/micropro/
htmlText_3ACBB589_1216_5CE1_41B1_46E4F2A2EB54.html =
Band Saw sharpening machines
htmlText_3A292FCF_122E_AC61_41A9_97FB4ADBAAC9.html =
Band saws are used within the twin cut edger to cut boards off complete logs. They are brought to the saw shop to be realigned, tensioned and straightened using this machine.
After this machine, it will go into the Sharpener to be sharpened (behind you).
htmlText_385B94E4_1216_BC27_41A2_7AC57CD4D7D9.html =
Bandsaw being sharpened
htmlText_39E8C687_1212_FCE1_4187_B1051EE7D2CA.html =
Bandsaws are rotated out from the Twin Cut Edger machine for regular maintenance.
htmlText_3A427262_1212_B423_4190_4D7DFE5FF923.html =
Bandsaws waiting to be plasma tipped
htmlText_30394AF5_1231_B421_4196_6D649C4972CD.html =
Blue conveyor belt - sawdust conveyor travels outside
htmlText_33F5BC2C_1212_AC27_41A8_6B2A9B75969C.html =
Boards are laser scanned for cutting optimisation
htmlText_32C6C2E2_1231_D423_41B1_F761DF6E51BA.html =
Boards requiring docking travel to the docking station
htmlText_36A092AF_1272_D421_41B2_18CBB4654C0F.html =
Boron is a naturally occurring preservative used to protect the insect borer-susceptible sapwood of some hardwood species, including Spotted Gum. The active ingredient of boron-based timber treatments is disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, which occurs naturally, is not toxic to mammals in small amounts and is not considered a large environmental threat.
For more information on Boron treatment go to: https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/household-building-and-renovation/treated-timber/timber-treatments/boron-based-treated-timber
htmlText_32E5F0A1_13FF_F421_4171_08582F6471B4.html =
Cut sizes are adjusted for each log by the operator
htmlText_323F4A8D_122E_74E1_4174_925B4A02FD67.html =
Deck vision - to help guide boards to the multisaw
htmlText_30381926_1232_5423_41AF_AAE96AC1035A.html =
Docker waste timber --> Yellow conveyor belt --> Wood chipper
htmlText_31A66282_1236_54E3_419A_21C0A52C7ADA.html =
Docks, or trims, boards to the chalk mark created by the docker grader person.
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Dry mills interstate will take these plastic wrapped treated timber to process into decking, flooring and cladding.
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Each pile is a different species of timber
htmlText_0DC05447_1213_BC61_41A0_D5C7815E250B.html =
For each species of tree harvested and brought to the mill, the loader operator sorts them into their own piles ready for processing through the mill.
htmlText_34C350CD_1272_7461_419D_0A29CC992123.html =
Forklift operators are used throughout the mill to transport stacks from the mill to the treatment plant, from the treatment plant to dispatch holding yards and more!
htmlText_3960D1CA_1212_5463_41A9_2FB96C3D22C3.html =
Forklift operators collect air dried stacks of timber
htmlText_3207C208_123F_B7EF_41B3_2474596B6BEF.html =
Good boards travel along this conveyor to be graded
htmlText_35169D1C_121E_6DE7_4170_AD8DFCAB18D7.html =
Grader performs the final grading of the timber. They will sort out timber that required re-cutting or re-docking.
htmlText_31F78F87_1233_ACE1_41A9_DB4A3CACD255.html =
Grader/dockerperson marks boards with chalk where they need docking (cutting). if the board is a pallet board, the grader docker person will place 2 marks on the board and the scanner technology at the docker saw will automatically sort these into pallet lengths.
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Green Chain - final sorting process
htmlText_0D2A5BD0_1213_B47F_41B2_0E959CB7614C.html =
Hand controls move the loaders arm
htmlText_32C48987_1211_D4E1_419A_DA8F84552364.html =
Inside this machine is a hob and gauge. If the board has a straight side on it, the operator can use the hob (set of rollers that holds boards against the gauge) and gauge (fixed stop) to cut it. If it doesn't have a straight side, he can move the hob and gauge away and the saw will cut them.
the first run of lights is Saws 1 and 2. Next row is saws 3 and 4. Each saw is a different size and the operator can choose the best combination of saws to achieve the required width.
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Log Yard
htmlText_316A1D8F_13F2_6CE1_41A3_82C59FD3FA47.html =
Log is laser scanned to determine the thickness of board to be cut
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Logs are scanned and cut to their required length
htmlText_183FE40E_1733_2FE5_41A5_5938EEBCE1B9.html =
Logs arrive by truck from sustainably managed hardwood plantation and native forests. About 9 trucks a day arrive at the mill, carrying roughly 21m3 of timber, that equates to 6-60 logs depending on the species of hardwood they are carrying.
The trucks are unloaded by a loader, and sorted into their respective species - each of these piles of logs you see are different species.
The mill in Kyogle processes approximately 20 different hardwood tree species through the mill. For each timber species, the saws are adjusted according to that species' requirements, and are processed in species specific batches.
htmlText_0D12BD3F_1213_AC21_41A4_96DCD37BF5A4.html =
Logs enter the mill via the Log Ladder at even intervals
htmlText_3221A9E5_13F3_B421_41A3_D92644A58EEC.html =
Logs enter the mill via the Log wash. Here they are high pressure washed to remove any stones or other debris to ensure the blades aren't damaged in the mill.
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Maddie has been working at the mill for around 3 years and thinks working outside all the time in this big loader is "great".
htmlText_3273582A_1211_D423_41AC_0E8F5A782D4C.html =
Maddie is driving a 380WA Komatsu Loader. About 9 trucks per day are unloaded from sustainably harvested forests throughout the region. Each truck has the capacity to transport 21m3 of timber - depending on the species of tree, this is anywhere from 6-60 logs.
htmlText_3242D0E4_1212_D427_41AE_D036E1FC4479.html =
Multisaw - cuts boards to width required
htmlText_31C1587C_1213_D427_4140_4FCEE741777C.html =
Multisaw outfeed - monitors the flow of timber
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htmlText_06633FB1_1731_783F_4190_ECA3EB4C500B.html =
Nothing is ever wasted in the wood industry. The growing of timber takes on average 30 years and it is important therefore to make use of every part of the resource including the waste wood fibres from the milling process. Because of this, nothing is wasted as all parts of the tree and their wood fibres can be used and on-sold.
Timber/Wood is made up of wood fibres - individual cells of the plant that are made of cellulose and held together by a glue substance called lignin.
htmlText_339768FE_13F2_B423_41AE_70877B1B6563.html =
One joystick will line up the log (left). The other (this joystick) can shift the log backwards and forwards on the track.
Each joystick has a number of buttons that are used to control other elements of the machine including rollers, deck movement and dogs on the infeed.
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Pin stops - help the operator move the boards along the deck
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Residues from the mill are chipped and on-sold to other businesses. Nothing is wasted in the mill!
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Saws remain within the machine for up to 2-3 minutes
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Sharpens bigger sized saws. Saws remain in this machine for approximately 2-3 minutes
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Sorting & Grading lines
htmlText_319B5E29_1211_EC21_41B0_C5822CAA2B78.html =
Sorting the good boards from those needing docking (trimming with a saw)
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The joystick is used by the operator to turn the board over (flips), and move the board up and down, when necessary to ensure the right cut by the multi-saw. When they pull the trigger on the joystick, the pin stops drop down which allows the board to travel along the chains to the multi-saw.
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The mill is using 100% rain and bore water. This control panel allows the operator to change automated timers and pumps if required.
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The mill uses a variety of saw diameters for different cutting purposes and within different saw machines.
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The operator can see if the deck is moving or if there boards are jammed for him to stop cutting.
htmlText_33FD0D3F_13F2_EC21_41AE_BDA35DD81D1E.html =
The operator will input the log size and board sizes that are required to be cut, and is able to line up the twin cut edger to these scanned images.
The operator has minimum cut sizes that can be used for each log. The operator will choose according to the cutting pattern supplied by the mill and these are specific to each species being cut as well as the requirements of the market.
The computer will store all log cutting data from the day and it also tracks the downtime of the machine itself to track efficiency. if the deck isn't moving for more than 1 minute the operator will input the reason for stopping so that the mill can improve on efficiencies and gauge what volume the mill is cutting day to day.
htmlText_35573EF8_1232_6C2F_41A4_09572D9AFF76.html =
The saw doctor grinds the sides of the teeth of the saws using this machine manually.
htmlText_36ACE8FC_1217_D427_41AB_B4CD1ABD0DB5.html =
The treatment operator runs the treatment plant including loading operation, unloading operation and also records all the relevant data for each batch treated.
htmlText_3173096C_1212_5427_4194_7E743B687639.html =
These boards have been cut to thickness by the twin log edger.
htmlText_3660100D_1216_53E1_4196_4C4B473DFEAE.html =
These pallet timber lengths are directly on-sold to pallet making companies
htmlText_36E351CD_126E_B461_4187_5EE076334893.html =
These stacks of treated timber are heading to Tuncester NSW dry mill to be processed into floorboards.
htmlText_397AA6A1_1212_7C21_4189_FEC307A07473.html =
This control panel shows James the back of the saw that's within the machine.
htmlText_314F6B08_13F7_F5EF_41AE_4262CF2C48C0.html =
This helps the operator find the centre of the log before cutting
htmlText_318F40C9_13F2_5461_41B1_0BA90482B440.html =
This is at the next machine and is helpful to know when the deck is full or jammed.
htmlText_3260D148_1216_B46F_41AB_6BA99795F1D8.html =
This mirrors the operators commands when the board was in front of the cab.
htmlText_35E9F2AF_1213_F421_4199_71D2E7DBC8BA.html =
Timber Stackers - stacking timber into size piles
htmlText_368B7DDA_1276_6C63_419F_055D51D150E2.html =
Timber from the mill is air dried 2 days before treatment
htmlText_326FDED0_13F6_AC7F_41A9_1C7B7899ECE8.html =
To ensure all the wood is cleared from the deck before the operator cuts the next log
htmlText_389DE304_12EE_75E7_4185_8857F0E1E4F9.html =
Treated timber is stored in the air dry yard for approximately 3 months. Boards are stacked in all their ranges of sizes, species and grades ready to be dispatched to the dry mill at Tuncester.
htmlText_3A9C65DE_1216_DC63_41A9_A89D06C44844.html =
Truck driver assists the forklift operator and stands clear
htmlText_3121CEF3_1211_EC21_418F_D11410C6B874.html =
Twin roll case - transfer boards from one roll case to the next
htmlText_39E8460C_1212_BFE7_416E_EE9586131490.html =
Uses a plasma torch to melt tips into a bandsaw.
For more information watch here:
htmlText_321D8039_1212_5421_4197_0B5408C19841.html =
Vision of the centre of the board from the twin cut edger
htmlText_327EFCB3_121F_AC21_41AE_423A44DC5E16.html =
Woodchips are sold for co-generation power for other mills nearby (e.g. sugar mills) as well as landscaping supply shops.
Sawdust is onsold to meat chicken growing sheds and other animal husbundry purposes. After being used within the chicken growing sheds it's then taken to be used as compost as it is a highly fertile biodegradable product e.g. used in gardens, orchards.
Nothing is wasted!
htmlText_3086CFAD_122F_AC21_4195_BAE85616254F.html =
Yellow conveyor belt - waste wood in-feed to wood chipper
### Title window_3970C4FF_12F6_5C21_41AD_AD9B8EBE60D1.title = Air Dry Yard window_3908864A_1212_5C63_419D_A78248341666.title = Band Saw Leveller & Tensioner window_3ABDC682_1211_BCE3_4193_B11DDC8D411E.title = Band saws waiting to be straightened, sharpened and tensioned window_31F0F57F_1236_FC21_4198_688F1A28A8D6.title = Board size control panel window_3561D970_1276_543F_4172_5B1E3F3944F4.title = Boron Treatment Plant - timber is treated for 1 hour inside window_32A148ED_1211_D421_4195_4882ECB6B455.title = Control panel used to input log cut size window_3250FD6D_1236_EC21_4185_344A0FCAFE52.title = Docker/saw machine (in the box) window_329B66EC_1212_FC27_41AD_5493FA22DB06.title = First outfeed deck - moves away from the edger window_355DC050_1233_F47F_4190_5CC9D505945A.title = Forklift Operator window_3591EB0C_1213_D5E7_4199_9AB731AA6252.title = Grader window_32A7DA3C_1212_7427_41A4_EBA4B7B62EDF.title = Grader window_31AC45F6_1212_BC23_41A3_FA7AAB79FED7.title = Grading stations (two) - grader/dockerperson window_36C63F58_1233_AC6F_41AA_91483501C9EC.title = Hand Side Grinder window_31A8B114_1211_D5E7_41A0_22C94DD0C41C.title = Laser display showing how the log will be cut window_0598D5B1_1733_E83F_41A7_B41EC4D969A7.title = Log Yard window_312E1990_13F2_74FF_41A1_B85397E293CF.title = Logs are moved up to the Log Wash window_3345B945_1212_5461_41AE_0E84DB72998E.title = Logs are unloaded and sorted into species window_31E253F4_13EE_5427_41AF_A4B1974952B1.title = Maddie is a Loader Operator window_36BE9986_1232_54E3_41B0_62AB41C33CA5.title = MicroPro Treatment Plant window_318922D0_121F_D47F_418E_1A2AF6E523FD.title = Multi-saw oeprator joystick window_302C4FC9_1232_6C61_41A0_31C0EC2C7227.title = Pin stops align the board to the exact position required window_39A792B9_1216_7421_41AD_7DE7FBCC0E93.title = Plasma Tipper Machine window_35B7ED65_123E_AC21_4185_E60396226C98.title = Right Saw Sharpener window_3516D7AB_1233_BC21_418E_1C41DE60F9FE.title = Saw Doctor window_39B8E831_121E_D421_4199_447049404942.title = Saw Doctor James is reading the machines outputs window_321AC81F_13F2_B3E1_4167_0A01E420C497.title = Sawdust residues from the milling process are onsold window_346C720C_1232_57E7_418F_5A6B98B6CC50.title = Saws waiting to be hammered, tipped, or sharpened window_357B1FBA_1212_AC23_41A1_BD619ED8793B.title = Stacking pallet timber into their finished lengths window_36A62D78_1231_AC2F_419D_F6E0F5794E97.title = Treated timber wrapped in hessian head to local dry mill window_352866D9_1231_BC61_41A7_1350B3FDC5DF.title = Treated timber wrapped in plastic head interstate window_34785B27_1237_B421_41A8_C55B3B3D3724.title = Treatment Operator window_31294F97_13F3_ACE1_419F_BAE233D88599.title = Twin cut edger operators use two joysticks window_32A5FF11_1231_EDE1_41A7_47E5EC6ACA34.title = Twin log edger deck window_32A10113_13EE_55E1_4181_37E9A40A0128.title = Unloading logs from log trucks window_32E08847_1216_7461_41AE_62DF81EEA088.title = Vision of the centres when they come off the belt window_31462D6D_1217_AC21_419B_DE014C59AF5E.title = Vision of the log at the other end window_31514BAC_1212_5427_418B_7454FCDEB961.title = Vision of the second outfeed deck window_3B2EA82F_1232_F421_41AF_5BF8157F578F.title = Vollmer - Saw Sharpening Machine window_0596649F_1733_28E3_41AA_5171E9858210.title = Waste from the Mill - Sawdust and Wood Chips storage area window_32828C67_13F2_AC21_41A4_E4F33DD39BF1.title = Water pump control panel window_3187570D_1216_5DE1_4162_D97C08E36181.title = Wood chipper machine ## Skin ### Button Button_E382A278_F9F6_4DF7_41EB_E0BE556A64F3.label = ABOUT Button_E382B278_F9F6_4DF7_4198_C93EFB8F7FC6.label = CONTACT Button_E3829278_F9F6_4DF7_41E9_0AE5541FEF80.label = FLOORPLAN Button_E382D278_F9F6_4DF7_41EB_4AD0FD8E5183.label = HOUSE INFO Button_E3828278_F9F6_4DF7_41A1_836C963FE2AC.label = LOCATION Button_E382E278_F9F6_4DF7_41DC_17065DC75ADF.label = PANORAMA LIST ### Image Image_E2B5E76F_F9FA_D3E9_41EF_0A2A4A4BEBDE.url = skin/Image_E2B5E76F_F9FA_D3E9_41EF_0A2A4A4BEBDE_en.png Image_E3832278_F9F6_4DF7_41C9_0539B3CE41D9.url = skin/Image_E3832278_F9F6_4DF7_41C9_0539B3CE41D9_en.png ### Label Label_00E20566_0CE0_1C53_4196_292D1100294A.text = Spotted Gum Green Mill - Hurford Hardwood ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Tree to Timber 1