#: locale=en ## Action ### URL PopupWebFrameBehaviour_9B84713E_8D97_989C_41C1_2A96B4166C15.url = https://forestlearning.edu.au/contact-us.html PopupWebFrameBehaviour_E2392B60_F9FF_F317_41D2_52DCC3A3F98D.url = https://forestlearning.edu.au/forestvr.html ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EF94E8B_1751_78E3_41A1_B9F12E4983F7.toolTip = 1. Molder Infeed HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33466480_173F_68DD_41B1_224A6530530C.toolTip = 2. Molder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3F3B6DDC_1753_1865_41A2_87CAB15D99E5.toolTip = 2. Molder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3CB3749F_174F_E8E3_41A0_D1529DE9C6A6.toolTip = 3. End Matching Machines HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_337EC311_1737_69FF_41AF_4A9082056185.toolTip = 3. Transfer deck from moulder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31777C1A_1731_3FED_41A3_277C03F561C2.toolTip = 4. Feed belts and grading station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3CF8F0D0_1771_287D_4155_0974D8FB33F8.toolTip = 5. Finished Flooring Packs are wrapped in plastic and strapped HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31B1D229_1733_282F_41B6_983D759986BA.toolTip = 6. End matching machine HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DB7F094_174F_E8E5_41B1_4C3581BD2B1D.toolTip = 6. Transfer chain deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33C2C6AD_17F1_2827_41A6_181F418E9D0B.toolTip = A kiln in use with its door closed and timber stacks inside HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32BB1D6B_17D1_3823_41A1_EC59DEAA62B8.toolTip = A kiln in use with its door closed and timber stacks inside HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3431C864_17D7_3825_4197_FC95764E44F7.toolTip = Aftewr kiln drying, the boards appear black HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_083EDC6A_17D3_182D_41A4_D68E409E5392.toolTip = Background to the Hurford Group HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EEC9CEE_1751_1825_41B6_298AFF3AA6CC.toolTip = Decker machine - cuts and trims boards via computer sensors HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3D6274A0_177F_28DD_41B7_A176D84BACEE.toolTip = End matching machine HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3ACAC40B_1753_6FE3_41B0_B25AE8BED063.toolTip = Finished flooring packs await transport by truck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EE91BA4_1757_1825_41B7_574DD6E7632E.toolTip = Forklift carries kiln dried timber packs for processing HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3399BAFA_17D1_182D_41B5_41778732F767.toolTip = Forklift operators collect finished kiln packs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_332E343E_17F1_E825_417F_75321AB5901F.toolTip = Forklifts transfer rough sawn timber from Green Mill to Kiln HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DFF942B_1771_6823_41A2_122FF5FE6C2A.toolTip = Grader grades the timber and puts it through its Tally Wheel HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_344D8DC6_17D1_1865_41B5_2A46D93C1C85.toolTip = Kiln dried boards are dark in colour due to the kilns high heat HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_320CC19E_17D1_68E5_4193_A565C1AB31CD.toolTip = Kiln packs are stored ready for processing in the dry mill HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_322C6E55_17F7_1867_41A3_4CD5E514C2EB.toolTip = Rough sawn boards stay in the kiln for about 1-2 weeks to dry HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32DA455F_17D3_2863_41B3_D8DE6C358243.toolTip = Rough sawn green mill wood stacks ready for drying HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3477A88C_17F1_18E5_417B_B981BC411DF6.toolTip = See Kiln Packs after drying HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_341B414B_17F1_2863_41AA_A12F68495D07.toolTip = Spacing the Boards HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_326A042E_17D3_2825_4196_1E7B65AF0174.toolTip = Straightliner HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3E6FB87E_1773_3825_41AC_A9D5C107BE34.toolTip = Strapping Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3CE7A2D0_177E_E87D_41B2_C7223D4B3C10.toolTip = Tally Wheel HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_350D9FC4_17F3_1865_419D_5AC82E770D7C.toolTip = The forklift driver brings the wood stacks from the truck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3D7DC22C_1771_2825_41B0_994B0562FCEB.toolTip = The same graded categories of timber boards are stacked HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3CCEF3BB_1751_6823_41B5_5A619393CA92.toolTip = To Aerial HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3D175E23_1771_1823_41AB_4DCC6A0D4F74.toolTip = To Grading Timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_35049FE7_17D1_7823_4190_F121AD2FCF26.toolTip = To Kiln Drying the Timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_35A6C65B_17F1_2863_41B6_9E03054AB6DF.toolTip = To Kiln Pack Storage & Straightliner HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3F4A0F4E_1771_7865_41AD_A738989F125B.toolTip = To Kiln Pack Storage and Straightlienr HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33B20C32_17D1_F83D_41A0_1A2E935E68E1.toolTip = To Kiln Pack Storage and Straightliner HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DA37E02_1777_1BDD_419F_A523831AE8BA.toolTip = To Kilns HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EB05A0E_1771_1BE5_41B0_01F923A5D650.toolTip = To Kilns HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_358DD0E8_17F1_282D_41B4_813AD9041753.toolTip = To Kilns HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EC257DF_1772_E863_41A1_06168DAC96C4.toolTip = To Molder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3CD926E9_1773_E82F_419B_CF2172FE7CEC.toolTip = To Molder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_35063D72_17D1_783D_419C_D3533FA3F8FC.toolTip = To Molder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DAB5EB7_1771_7823_4198_261265E54183.toolTip = To Molder HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DF8AEE1_1773_185F_4179_0F0850798E1C.toolTip = To Molder Infeed Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_35543044_17D1_2865_4186_B1B1596AC912.toolTip = To Molder Infeed Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3D2E933A_1771_282D_41AB_52C8BEB05CC0.toolTip = To Molder Infeed Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31F58747_17D1_2863_41B2_69F0401B5A4C.toolTip = To Molder Infeed Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_33C2D945_17F1_1867_4170_FE1824314475.toolTip = To Molder Infeed Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31A4F2D6_1732_E865_4181_6FD808804F9B.toolTip = To Moulder Infeed Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36C2A8C5_17CF_7867_41B1_C1F25202CB35.toolTip = To Packing Timber ?????? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3360D4E0_1731_E85D_4155_7074C3B6A840.toolTip = To Strapping Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3F2914B1_1757_683F_41B2_0ADE703B2594.toolTip = To Strapping Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3E1367CF_1773_2863_41B2_DC16ED561B0A.toolTip = To Strapping Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36C85A94_17D1_18E5_41B1_19D06F130974.toolTip = To Strapping Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3E925857_1773_1863_41A9_900E361EE9B9.toolTip = To Strapping Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EFCFCAF_1773_3823_41B0_E4F04A08FB4E.toolTip = To Transfer Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3581CA37_17D1_3823_4174_29A2CBAD33C1.toolTip = To Transfer Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_31ADB830_1737_183D_41B6_08B8A1C79E1E.toolTip = To Transfer Deck HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36CCEFA7_17D7_3823_41B2_9DA4F97A62AA.toolTip = To Unloading Timber HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3D4734EF_1771_2823_41AF_08E3978449A5.toolTip = To Warehouse HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36ED8BFC_17D7_1825_41AD_ADCEAEBF2AB5.toolTip = To Warehouse HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_36512EFD_17F7_1827_41B6_716553E7A72C.toolTip = To Warehouse HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_32BCA55E_17D3_6865_41B6_CB3B97441DB5.toolTip = To Warehouse HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3516C50E_17FF_29E5_41AB_1B67BE22C4DC.toolTip = Trucks carry rough sawn air dried timber boards to dry mill ## Media ### Title panorama_F578A431_F90F_344C_41D0_CA9307E67149.label = 1. Home - Aerial panorama_F578DCE6_F90F_75D4_41EA_8C5E814AEBF3.label = 10. Warehouse panorama_F578385D_F90F_3CF4_41D1_2468ADFD941E.label = 2. Unloading Timber panorama_F5788D1E_F90F_3474_41D0_FA75F71FF39F.label = 3. Timber Enters Kiln panorama_F578617C_F90F_2CB4_41E3_0658B1CC41B3.label = 4. Kiln dried timber removed from Kiln panorama_F578664D_F90F_14D4_41C8_5CCA1A1A1BD3.label = 5. Kiln pack storage & Straightliner panorama_F5783ACA_F90F_1DDC_41E8_3FA671BE7594.label = 6. Molder infeed deck panorama_F5787F69_F90F_14DC_41E9_0F58A5B77713.label = 7. Molder panorama_F57863D4_F90F_73F4_41ED_3D46436AAD8D.label = 8. Transfer Deck panorama_F578D877_F90F_7CB4_41E2_8674B6D5ADD5.label = 9. Strapping Station ## Popup ### Body htmlText_3CBDD4A0_174F_E8DD_41B0_A658FF8A8C98.html =
3. End Matching Machines
htmlText_31713C1B_1731_3FE3_41B5_64973E9A6FE9.html =
4 mill workers grade each section of wood that comes through the Moulder and marks any defects with a crayon. They then put each piece through the Decker machine that recognises the crayon marks via laser scanner.
htmlText_3DB94094_174F_E8E5_41AA_7A675EE48C2D.html =
6. Transfer chain deck
htmlText_33F846AF_17F1_2823_41B6_783DB3EFA889.html =
A kiln in use with its door closed and timber stacks inside
htmlText_32BA8D6B_17D1_3823_4173_57F55496FBAF.html =
A kiln in use with its door closed and timber stacks inside
htmlText_322FFE55_17F7_1867_416B_811645FED3E9.html =
Across Australia, hardwood producers process and dry a wide variety of native hardwood species into high quality visual and commodity structural products. To produce stable timber to an acceptable market grade consistently and profitably, Hardwood dry mills all face the same challenges:
• Australian hardwoods are natural materials with variable properties. This variability has to be recognized and managed;
• The timber from Australia's hardwoods must be dried from its original unseasoned condition to a moisture content suitable for its intended use if it is to remain stable;
• The timber must generally be dried slowly and with care. If the timber is subject to significant bad conditions at any time as it dries, it may be damaged and lose value; and
• The producer needs to recover the maximum volume and value of dry material efficiently from the wood resource they have available.
htmlText_3EF02E8C_1751_78E5_41A0_8EC0E66CE5C9.html =
Boards are fed into the moulder via the Moulder infeed deck. Each board is manually checked prior to being placed on the deck.
htmlText_3EE23CEF_1751_1823_41B2_A0B396934085.html =
Decker machine - cuts and trims boards via computer sensors
htmlText_3C99F2D1_177E_E87F_41A9_1E59565476A5.html =
Each grade of timber is put through a tally wheel to calculate and 'tally' the lineal metres of flooring that goes into each pack.
htmlText_3AD0340C_1753_6FE5_41B3_BE23B6F8AB91.html =
Each pack contains the same grade of timber product and is sold to distributors around Australia as well as New Zealand the United States of America. For more information about the products that are produced by Hurford Hardwood head to http://hardwood.com.au/our-products/
htmlText_3D1C94A1_177F_28DF_41A9_91C8A6E9D434.html =
End matching machine
htmlText_3E149884_1773_38E5_41A0_574C29D67936.html =
Finished stacks of flooring is wrapped in plastic to avoid moisture reentering the wood.
htmlText_343B8865_17D7_3827_4161_15BC8CB4BEE1.html =
For more information about the Best Practice for drying hardwood timber, go to: https://www.fwpa.com.au/images/processing/tdm part1 WEB.pdf
htmlText_3EFC0BAA_1757_182D_41AD_3D5C598D7808.html =
Forklift carries kiln dried timber packs for processing
htmlText_33EFFAFB_17D1_1823_419C_214CC5530634.html =
Forklift operators collect finished kiln packs
htmlText_3320543F_17F1_E823_41B5_1C50786E16A6.html =
Forklifts transfer rough sawn timber from Green Mill to Kiln
htmlText_3DE9742C_1771_6825_419D_48140A321234.html =
Grader grades the timber and puts it through its Tally Wheel
htmlText_36B1FAF9_17D3_382F_41AF_D9CA66CCF18E.html =
Hurfords is a 3rd generation family business, now a major local employer of more than 100 staff, plus contractors, and is a significant contributor to the regional economy.
The foundation of the Hurford Group of companies occurred in 1932 when James Hurford was stood down from the NSW Railways during the great depression. Together with his brother, he went into business renovating and lifting houses in the Lismore region.
While he was purchasing timber for himself from a sawmill, James noticed that a pile of rough-sawn boards had accumulated. These he bought and paid the mill to run them into tongue & groove flooring. By utilising the sawmill’s machinery and labour, James had achieved a competitive edge. He saved enough to purchase his own planing machine and began purchasing more local timber.
Since this time, the Hurford business has grown steadily and strongly as primary producers (growing trees), timber milling and retail throughout Australia and internationally.
htmlText_3263642F_17D3_2823_41A7_5D95E475B973.html =
If boards require straightening before going through the moulder, they are sent through the Straightliner.
htmlText_320EC1A4_17D1_6825_4195_FA7B68B967BE.html =
Kiln packs are stored ready for processing in the dry mill
htmlText_3454CDC7_17D1_1863_41B6_10E4C599F4E7.html =
Rough sawn green mill wood stacks ready for drying
htmlText_32D83560_17D3_285D_41B5_4955E48F6FD7.html =
Rough sawn green mill wood stacks ready for drying
htmlText_31BFC22A_1733_282D_41B2_36EC93571C54.html =
The End Matcher machine profiles (cuts) matching tounge and groove profiles onto the ends of the boards for them to be efficiently laid as flooring by an installer.
htmlText_3F31CDDD_1753_1867_4182_DEA286056BC1.html =
The Moulder profiles and dresses (planes) the wood from rough sawn to tounge and groove on each side and planes (dresses) the top and bottom of the wood to make a smooth surface.
htmlText_353BDFC5_17F3_1867_41B5_C1DABD386EBF.html =
The forklift driver brings the wood stacks from the truck
htmlText_32B0B481_173F_68DF_41B4_23D8F3FA6B40.html =
The moulder "profiles" (cuts) and "dresses" (planes) the boards from rough sawn to tounge and groove on each side, and "dresses" (planes) the top and bottom of the board. Each board is individually sent through the moulder to ensure the best result.
htmlText_3D7A522C_1771_2825_4173_58F8D0CF5B94.html =
The same graded categories of timber boards are stacked
htmlText_3411A14C_17F1_2865_41B2_D78D3F1F6D6C.html =
The space between the rows of boards determines the volume of air that can
flow through the rack and this strongly influences the rate at which the boards
dry. Most hardwood species need to be dried relatively slowly, so the spacing
between rows of timber is one variable that needs to be controlled. As all the
timber in the rack should be dried at the same rate, the spacing between rows
should also be regular.
The space between the rows of boards is determined by the thickness of the rack
sticks. While there is theoretically an optimum thickness of rack stick for each
product thickness, there are other means of controlling the potential air flow
through a rack, such as sheltering racks in a yard or controlling air velocity in a
predryer. To simplify site management and reduce the potential for errors, the
thickness of rack sticks on a site should be standardised. Most sites use a
standard thickness of about 20 mm.
Source: page 161
https://www.fwpa.com.au/images/processing/tdm part1 WEB.pdf
htmlText_33671312_1737_69FD_41A1_F9158699CFF6.html =
Transfers finished moulded boards to the grading station.
htmlText_32C22E0C_17FF_1BE5_417A_759AB6651710.html =
Trucks carry rough sawn air dried timber boards to dry mill
htmlText_3CEE30D6_1771_2865_4194_8FC6B7FD949D.html =
Water can affect finished flooring through the wood absorbing it. It is important that for storage and transport it is protected from wet weather until it is laid and allowed to equalize with the air moisture of the area where it will be used.
### Title window_3A328334_175F_6825_41A2_829F7FB58DDA.title = 1. Molder Infeed window_3A07E332_1751_E83D_41AC_EC1CAF530452.title = 2. Molder window_3B869629_1752_E82F_414B_03CB4B162062.title = 5. Finished Flooring Packs are wrapped in plastic and strapped window_325F99A3_1751_1823_41AB_215B7080D374.title = After kiln drying the boards appear black window_36B18AF9_17D3_382F_41B5_7F99BBE5E2F1.title = Background to the Hurford Group window_30F33A87_1751_18E3_41A7_E9FCA35AC2D5.title = End matching machine window_322BBFC2_1757_785D_41A6_2980AE1D5360.title = Feed belts and grading station window_26E1DED0_1757_187D_41B4_AE97039BD3A6.title = Finished Flooring Packs await transport by truck window_32AADCD0_1751_387D_41B6_2BDFC5ED1D9B.title = Kiln Drying the Boards window_323A7CEA_1757_182D_419F_120ED52062CE.title = Moulder window_32346FF7_1751_1823_419A_3F654BE8DB71.title = Spacing the Boards window_320CC55F_1752_E863_41AC_E151970CE3D9.title = Straightliner window_3B95B4CF_1753_6862_41B1_3CB3B183A76E.title = Strapping Station window_39BFA7CC_1753_2866_41AA_FEC2235A17DE.title = Tally Wheel window_3BFA57A9_177F_282F_4192_0B80BF754618.title = Tally Wheel window_30ADA123_1757_2823_41B1_D9A1A62B65BC.title = Transfer deck from moulder ## Skin ### Button Button_E382A278_F9F6_4DF7_41EB_E0BE556A64F3.label = ABOUT Button_E382B278_F9F6_4DF7_4198_C93EFB8F7FC6.label = CONTACT Button_E3829278_F9F6_4DF7_41E9_0AE5541FEF80.label = FLOORPLAN Button_E382D278_F9F6_4DF7_41EB_4AD0FD8E5183.label = HOUSE INFO Button_E3828278_F9F6_4DF7_41A1_836C963FE2AC.label = LOCATION Button_E382E278_F9F6_4DF7_41DC_17065DC75ADF.label = PANORAMA LIST ### Image Image_E2B5E76F_F9FA_D3E9_41EF_0A2A4A4BEBDE.url = skin/Image_E2B5E76F_F9FA_D3E9_41EF_0A2A4A4BEBDE_en.png Image_E3832278_F9F6_4DF7_41C9_0539B3CE41D9.url = skin/Image_E3832278_F9F6_4DF7_41C9_0539B3CE41D9_en.png ### Label Label_00E20566_0CE0_1C53_4196_292D1100294A.text = Spotted Gum Dry Mill - Hurford Hardwood ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Tree to Timber 2